Finally I have seen “I love shopping”. I think that most of my readers have seen this movie. However, it is about a young and exuberant woman, Rebecca, that is obsessed by shopping; she buys everything, even if it’s not necessary. And his obsession couses her some troubles with her job and also with the man that she loves…
But even if many men could say that every woman is “obsessed” by bags, shoes, clothes, brands and so on, I think that the moral lesson of this story is another one.
At the beginning Rebecca is a journalist in a small newspaper and she write article with topics that do not interests her so much. In order to solve her financial difficulties she decides to find a new and more gainful employment. In particolar she wants to work in a fashion magazine, but she will be employed in a financial one, where she advises her readers about money as she would do with clothes. And she do it very well! She starts from her passion for fashion and then she applies it to her job.
This is the important thing. She’s not (not only) a shopalcholic. She finds what she loves to do and it becomes a job for her.
I think that everyone of us should do it.
Some years ago a very important person for me told me that the most important thing that we can do in our life is to understand what we like to do and then do everything to reach our purpose.
But even if many men could say that every woman is “obsessed” by bags, shoes, clothes, brands and so on, I think that the moral lesson of this story is another one.
At the beginning Rebecca is a journalist in a small newspaper and she write article with topics that do not interests her so much. In order to solve her financial difficulties she decides to find a new and more gainful employment. In particolar she wants to work in a fashion magazine, but she will be employed in a financial one, where she advises her readers about money as she would do with clothes. And she do it very well! She starts from her passion for fashion and then she applies it to her job.
This is the important thing. She’s not (not only) a shopalcholic. She finds what she loves to do and it becomes a job for her.
I think that everyone of us should do it.
Some years ago a very important person for me told me that the most important thing that we can do in our life is to understand what we like to do and then do everything to reach our purpose.
6 comment:
I haven't seen this movie because it isn't already. Day 27 will be in the cinemas !
I really want to see it, but just for the clothes. Anyway, I don't like so Patricia Field, but maybe the style on this movie's nice. Just don't know.
I haven't seen the movie and I'm not planning to go...I don't know why, but I don't like films in this type...but I totally agree with Your last sentence. I think, that I'm quite good example of 'doing everything to realize a dream' - I started to work as a designer for some online store with vintage clothing and details when I was 16. Now I run my own designer company and in this autumn opening my first real stores :)
La cosa che mi da più fastidio è che le persone che amano la moda vengano considerate superficiali per il semplice fatto che scarpe e vestiti non sono beni di prima necessità. Ma neppure un quadro lo è... per me la moda ad alti livelli è da considerarsi alla stregua dell'arte (non sto certo parlando di pronto moda o di made in china).
Un abito di alta sartoria o di design può essere un vero capolavoro da collezione, ... è arte!
condivido pienamente la tua posizione, Margot.
Io studio storia e critica dell'arte alla facoltà di lettere e filosofia e il discorso che hai fatto, ti assicuro, farebbe inorridire professori e larga parte dei miei colleghi di università.
ma per fortuna il mondo è bello perchè è vario ed io sono felice di restare sulla mia posizione.
Il loro è solo snobismo intellettuale!
Già. Si danno arie da grandi filosofi e poi invece vivono col para-occhi.
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